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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sea Turtle Rescue Mission

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Our third day at Tangalla started as normal on the beach, us laying flat out relaxing, reading and listening to music. All of a sudden a man came running shouting “Come and see, come and see!!! Hurry!!“. First we just thought he was a seller selling fruits or souvenirs, so we pretended to be asleep. But the man kept on shouting,  so we stood up and followed him a few meter along the beach, and we are so glad we did!

It turned out that during the night a sea turtle had wandered up at the beach to lay her eggs, but had taken the wrong way back and ended up in the freshwater laguna in stead of the sea! Poor sea turtle.

The men had been struggling for hours to get the sea turtle up from the fresh water, and on to the beach. The sea turtle would have died if the men had not gotten it out of the fresh water. Sea turtles are among the earths endangered spices, and are one of earth`s most ancient creatures, being on our planet for around 110 million years, since the time of the dinosaurs.

It was a long way for the sea turtle to walk!

Sea turtles colour varies between yelling, black and greenish, depending on the species. There are seven species of sea turtles, and this is most likely a olive ridley sea turtle. Unlike other turtles, the sea turtles can not retract their legs and head into their shells. The shell is streamlined which makes it perfect for swimming through the water, but not so much for wading through the sand.

The sea turtles spend most of their lives in the sea, so walking on the beach is not easy for them. It was also a very hot day, 30 °C, and the sand was really warm, too warm for us to walk barefoot.

The sea turtle was really struggling in the hot sand, and was stopping all the time looking tired. They have strong legs though, as they undergo long swimming migrations, some as far as 1400 miles, between their feeding grounds and the beaches where they nest.

To cool the sea turtle the local men carried water from the sea, and poured over her.

The sea turtle looked really happy getting water over her shell and head. Even though turtles can stay out of water for a long time, they can also stay under water for a long time, the green sea turtles for as long as five hours! The usual length of a feeding dive is five minutes or less though. An amazing fact: their heart rate slows to conserve oxygen – nine minutes may elapse between heartbeats! Wow!

After each water break, the sea turtle regained more energy and started dragging herself over the hot sand again.

After each water break, the sea turtle regained more energy and started dragging herself over the hot sand again.

And finally, the sea turtle reached the sea!

She looks so happy and relieved to have reached the sea.

She immediately started swimming.

Bye bye beautiful sea turtle! Have a nice life out in the sea where you belong!

Happy ending! We were lucky to be at the right place at the right time that day, and able to be a part of this rescue mission. The sea turtles rarely come up onto the beach during day light, so getting good pictures and videos are very rare. We were very fortunate to even see a sea turtle at all!

At the neighbouring beach to Tangalla; Rekawa Beach, it is apparently possible to go turtle-watching, but you have to pay 1000 Rs to be allowed to enter the beach! And even then you are not guaranteed to even see a turtle. PS! In Lonely Planet there is an error, saying that April to September is the best time to see the turtles, but that is wrong. The mating season for sea turtles in Sri Lanka is February – October.

  •     Sea Turtles are among the earths endangered spices
  •     Are one of Earth`s most ancient creatures, being on our planet for around 110 million years.
  •     There are seven species of sea turtles.
  •     The usual length of a feeding dive is five minutes or less.
  •     Their heart rate slows to conserve oxygen while diving. Nine minutes may elapse between heartbeats!
  •     A female turtle lays between 70 – 190 eggs, always at the same beach where she was born herself.
  •     A sea turtle can be as old as 100 years.

Would you like to go & see Turtle ? Please mail your comment in the my mail box below, ( basuratravels@gmail.com ) I can help you it. Thank you! If you like this blog post, or find it useful, please share it on social media!


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